
Minnie Hair

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Minnie Hair



  • .OBJ for the mesh (3 layers) & .FBX version.
  • 27 hair textures.
  • Alpha hair.
  • Low poly mesh.
  • This is comercial license.

Please note this was made by {Buing} SecondLife Store owner (Yume/Peachu and Bunni) you have permission to use outside of Secondlife.

This mesh is avaliable to buy on {Buing} Mainstore on Secondlife.

You can use it for your avatars for VRChat, and you can include it in the avatars you sell.

Is unrigged (no bones), and modeled for a SL.


  • Twitter: PeachuHime
  • Discord: Peachu*2577
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Textures and .OBJ & .FBX (RAR)

42.3 MB
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